
Globepax Testimonials


Thousands of people worldwide already use Globepax every day. These happy users enjoy the many benefits of having complete control over their finances. Their honest testimonials describe how this app helped them get a better grip on their financial freedom.

Here are some Globepax customer reviews:

"Thanks to Globepax, I finally have more control over my finances. Most banks do not give you such a comprehensive overview of your ins and outs. Also, they regularly charge commissions for nothing at all. That’s not the case for Globepax, and that’s why I use it."

Charles Thompson Freelancer

“Globepax helped me save more money than any of the bank accounts I had. I guess the small fees do not weigh on my expenses that much. Now, I can plan my future better and have less anxiety about it.

Jessica May Teacher

“I run a small retail business, and Globepax helps me make better and cheaper payments. I use this app to pay the freelancers that work for me every month. The best part about it is that it costs me less than using any other financial service.”

Steve Baron Entrepreneur

“If I had to recommend only one financial app to my best friend, it would have to be Globepax. This financial platform is my daily assistant in my mission to become financially independent. It provides me with reports and data that I wouldn’t find anywhere else. Also, transferring money with it costs next to nothing.”

Cecelia Peterson Pharmacist

“Both my business partner and I have Globepax accounts. They help us manage the company’s fortunes better and make sure that we pay our contractors in time. In this financial crisis, Globepax is exactly what a business needs to stay afloat.”

James Lawton Business manager